Most frequent questions and answers

We connect via Skype, Zoom, or some other online app, I provide a safe and supportive space for you and when you are ready the session begins. You can sit or lie down, important is that you are relaxed, that noone disturbs you and that you follow my instructions from the previous day. You may feel relaxed, calm, you may feel some pain that shows what needs to be released, you may see colours, images, you may feel various emotions. When healing energy of the Universe flows through us, it sometimes hugs us, then again it can shake us, whatever it takes to bring us back to balance. The best thing to do is to let go of all expectations and just be open for the possibilities. 

Distance healing is equally efficient because the energy can reach you anywhere. 

There is no required number of sessions, mostly the results can be obtained in 3 sessions, but of course everything depends on the individual case.

There may be side effects, like headaches, dizziness, tingling all over the body, it depends on every individual. Of course it is advisable to drink a lot of water and follow the instructions you get before the session. Side effects may also be very pleasant ones like getting rid of pain, anxiety, …

I advise you to drink lots of water, no alcohol, do not eat any fatty food, be open to possibilities of receiving healing energies. You also receive instructions prior to the session via email.

One session of distant energetic support (half an hour) is 66 EUR.

One C. .H. T. T. session is 99 EUR. The duration of this session depends on each individual case, it might take 1 to 2 hours.

You can pay for your session in advance via PayPal. When I get notice of your payment, you will receive email with a confirmation of your session time and all the instructions needed.