Coach-in-elle is an avatar who lives on my website, in the room named Coaching.

Coach-in-elle was born from a word coccinelle (fr.) or coccinella (it.) which means a ladybug. A ladybug 🐞 is known to bring good luck. It has got magical powers to turn our weary heads into smiling faces wishing for good luck when observing it flying aroung. A coach is a person who helps, serves, supports you on your way to success, from the person you were to the person you strive to become in order to shine your uniqueness in this world. Elle (fr.) means she. So coach-in-elle is actually a blend word. We too, blend into different roles in our everyday lives. Moms, women, cooks, enterpreneurs, sisters, friends, brothers, lovers, … I am here to help you not to blend with all of those roles and lose yourself, but to find the way to stand out, as YOU, yourself.

I am willing to do my best to support you, but of course it is you who has to express the determination and devote energy to this goal. I can show you the steps, provide the tools, guide you on your way and celebrate your  achievements with you. It is you who makes the change.

The question is: Do you really want this? Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone and take action? Yes? Then start NOW, not tomorrow. So what will it be: applying new tools, new knowledge, new strategies and routines or just hoping to get better results by staying in the same loop, repeating the same patterns? Do you think it is impossible? Well, I have been there, and I found the way out; out of stress, out of BS fears, out of a place where I couldn’t find myself anymore. Well, I might fall and fail here and there, but now I know how to get up again and go on.

So, join me. You are not alone. Keep the faith!

coach joy

I can help you because I was in similar situations,  learned the lesson and now I have some tools, some shortcuts which I can share with you to make your life easier. Life really is the best teacher and it gives us opportunities to learn all the time.

Who/what still  prepares tests for me: my three children (plus two grandsons), Yoda – the wisest dog ever, friends and also those who aren’t my friends, being a teacher for two decades, living my passion as an entrepreneur, a coach, a medium and a healer, helping my family, friends and clients, as well as attending workshops about healing, growth, …

A lot of my creative energy comes through writing fairy tales for children, with a message for them to be able to create a better world where nature is treated with respect.